Jewish Women's Circle:
Feed Your Mind...Nourish Your Soul...Delight Your Senses...
Reward Yourself. Join the Circle.
The Women's Circle brings together Jewish women of all ages and backgrounds to learn, laugh, experience and rejuvenate the mind, body and soul. Each of our meetings feature lively, meaningful discussions, a great do-it-yourself activity, delicacies to taste, a chance to socialize, and the opportunity to meet new friends.
With no membership fees, signing up is easy! To join our mailing list, and receive invitations to upcoming women's events, please click here.
Mon Sept 23
“Resin & Rose”
a Pre Rosh Hashana Ladies Night Out with artist Erna Van Dyk. Create a gorgeous Resin tray for your apple n honey, holiday candles, or anything else that sparks joy!
Enjoy thoughtful High Holiday insights, sparkling bites and tasty Rosh Hashana bites.
Thurs Nov 14
OC Mega Challah Bake
Join women throughout Orange County for a beautiful evening of Challah. Together we rise!
Click here for details.
Mon Dec 16
This Chanukah your dreidle won’t be the only one twirling! Get into the spirit with an Israeli Dance class.
Learn from the Pro!
Mon Jan 27
Girls n Games.
Beat the winter blues! Savor soul nourishing soups, as we gather around the table for a fun game night with friends.
Tues March 25
Art of the Seder. Design your own one of a kind piece of gorgeous useable art. Your new family treasure….
May 8
Kabbalah of birthdays – We’re having a birthday bash, and we’re celebrating you! Learn what the fuss is really all about. Plus get in on Kreinie’s favorite no fail dessert recipes. We call that have your cake and eat it too!
June 16
Babka Bake! Just like your Bubby used to make. Soft, moist and oozing with chocolate… you can do it! BYO Apron - we’ve got the rest!